Eine große Dürre in Uganda, Mais-Preise explodieren, erste Leute sterben, weil sie nichts zu essen haben, die Schulgebühren können nicht mehr bezahlt werden.
Das gilt auch für den Norden mit unserer Schule in Uganda.
„Hungersnot in Uganda“ weiterlesen
Dear members,
I feel the pleasure to report to you a fairly successful end of academic year 2016, which we have concluded today 5th December 2016. Despite some challenges, I have the honour to report that the term and the entire academic year ended successfully with no major problem internally with both teachers and students. On behalf of the teachers, parents and students, allow our sincere thanks to your board, management team, staff and all individuals and groups that have undertaken to sustain us, in the bid to improve our livelihood and that of our country’s next generation. May the lord reward you abundantly. Below were some of the notable achievements and challenges encountered. „END OF YEAR REPORT 2016“ weiterlesen
St. Peters ranked
Dear Henry and Irene,
We again received honor last week, when the government of Uganda together with other non government organizations released a report about the performance of schools in Uganda.
„St. Peters ranked“ weiterlesen
Grace Community 2016 Preliminary Report (Highlights)
Its my great pleasure on behalf of Grace Community NPS Minja and on my own behalf to appreciate you, the organization and above all Aba Father for the successful completion of this term amidst heavy challenges faced in the running of the term to date. I am sorry for not keeping you up to date on the details of the progress of the school through the year; this was partly contributed by a number of factors and one of them has been my wife who has been pregnant so I had to take up some of her roles, secondly the relocation of our church in town besides changing the position of Minja church to give compound for school. „Grace Community 2016 Preliminary Report (Highlights)“ weiterlesen
End of term II 2016
Dear Henry and Irene,
The community of st. Peter’s secondary school greets you with love! The teachers and students especially, feel indebted for your continued interventions in our day to day life support, both spiritual and financial. „End of term II 2016“ weiterlesen
Field work /Radio
Dear Henry and Irene,
Greetings in the Lord’s name. Our field work was a success and greatly benefited the candidates. „Field work /Radio“ weiterlesen
The fundraising/field work
Dear Irene,Dear Henry,
We thank God we went through the exhibition successfully. „The fundraising/field work“ weiterlesen
Mitgliederversammlung am 11.6.2016
Beginn: 14.00 Uhr
- Heinz Becker
- Hildegard Becker
- Dominik Sigmund
- Anke Peters
- Leo Peters
- Wolfgang Bienert (telefonisch zugeschaltet)
Registration of candidates
Dear Henry,
I greet you in the name of our lord! We are very grateful for your support and prayers, that enabled us conclude the term with much success, despite a few bearable challenges. „Registration of candidates“ weiterlesen
Thank you Papa Henry & l-a-p for the Bus
Dear dad,
I am making 42 years old this year on 29th September 2016 and this should be one of the birthdays i should mark seriously in my life. „Thank you Papa Henry & l-a-p for the Bus“ weiterlesen