Greetings from St. Peter’s secondary school especially the staffs present. I have the pleasure to inform you that we are set to open school today, after three inspections and finally a certificate was issued to us, allowing us to open.
„OPENING FOR CANDIDATES“ weiterlesenDear Henry,
Dear Irene,
Greetings from Uganda. The general atmosphere is political, as aspirants seek for votes. This has killed the protection people had against covid-19. Social distancing is now a myth yet many people have no masks. Sick people are on the rise with now between 300-400 per day. Sick people are over 6500(only those who present themselves since there are no tests going on) and known deaths are 62. Government introduced a 65 dollars testing fee to those who want to test hence reducing testing rate.
„Corona Situation in Bombo“ weiterlesenI, on behalf of St. Peter’s secondary school Bombo-Kalule community, wish to report to you a successful end of term three and the entire academic year 2019, which ended officially on December 2 nd 2019, when our last candidates of S.6 finished their last exams.
Despite a few manageable challenges, I am glad to report to you the following achievements.
„END OF TERM THREE REPORT 2019“ weiterlesenMay you receive fraternal and prayerful greetings from St. Peter’s community Bombo. Despite a few unavoidable challenges, I am happy to report to you a successful end of term two 2019, which we closed officially on Friday 23rd August 2019, With S.4 and S.6 candidates remaining at school for the next three weeks to finish up their assignments.
„End of term two mini Report 2019“ weiterlesenDear Henry,
I hope you enjoyed your Easter on holidays! Irene sent me Rev. Sebastian ’s homily. It was about breaking the law to kill Jesus on Good Friday, and breaking the natural law to resurrect after three days in the grave! much heart moving and inspires. Indeed the dos and don’ts in the guise of the ‚law‘, don’t only separate us from fellow humans, but also from God. therefore, the teaching brings an inspiration of the mind that Jesus broke all the hindrances of unity among ourselves and to God, and set us totally free!
Dear Henry and Irene,
Greetings from Bombo. It is still very hot, despite receiving some rain now a few days of the week. It is an early start of the planting season.
Dear Henry, Dear Irene,
I have switched to a better internet connection line since yesterday. The old one had turned to be unreliable in internet connection.
S.4 results were released last week, showing an improvement in performance of students in the country in terms of quality (by about 1%), but with still a big number of students failing in the country (over 50,000).
Dear Irene, Dear Henry,
Greetings from St. Peter’s Ss Bombo. We are fine and receiving very strange rains in January, a month known for much sunshine.
Greetings from the family of St. Peter’s secondary school Bombo-Kalule. The teachers, non-teaching staff, students and parents greet you with end of year joy, and warmly thank you for all your contributions towards the success of term III that ended successfully on the 7th December 2018, and the entire academic year 2018. It was a challenging year financially, with endless financial demands, and your timely contributions, sustenance and involvement enabled us conclude the term successfully.
The ending term was a landmark in the history of our internal operation. A lot of input was added in areas like approach to teaching, handling of students in class, daily routine management at school, confidence building among both teachers and students, first hand content to students about some European aspects, integration and simplification of content among others. This was because of the dissemination and sharing of such great experiences obtained by Ronald Mulondo’s three weeks visit to Berlin and other parts of The Federal Republic of Germany up to 21st September. Thank you so much the community of Lichtenberg for financing the historical visit, all host families and individuals visited, church groups and leaders and to all the people who generously contributed financially towards St. Peter’s, especially towards the School main hall. A lot of gifts from different individuals were much appreciated by the school, individual students and teachers. It was such a visit, suiting an English proverb; ‘A good turn, deserves another”
Despite a few challenges, a lot has been achieved in the ending terms, which include the following:
Despite the above, we encountered some challenges which included
In the recent inspection, the commission made the following demands;
The term will officially start on Sunday 3rd February, and lessons the following day on 4th February 2019 and will end on Friday 3rd May 2019.
On behalf of the Students, Teachers, Parents and the community, PLEASE allow me to extend our pride and heartfelt thanks, appreciation and praise to you, for all the support and sustenance we have received in the course of the year 2018. May the Lord highly grant you heavenly blessings, good health and joy?
Yours in Christ,