Update from Bombo

Dear Henry,
I hope you enjoyed your Easter on holidays! Irene sent me  Rev. Sebastian ’s homily. It was about  breaking the law to kill Jesus on Good Friday, and breaking the natural law to resurrect after three days in the grave! much heart moving and inspires. Indeed the dos and don’ts in the guise of the ‚law‘, don’t only separate us from fellow humans, but also from God. therefore, the teaching brings an inspiration of the mind that Jesus broke all the hindrances of unity among ourselves and to God, and set us totally free!

Our Easter at my home in Mutungo was a bit tricky with Ethan’s( my son) sickness. He was admitted on Saturday and has been discharged today  9pm. From Bombo to Mutungo, I just drove him to St. Catherine hospital. He had pneumonia but he is now jumping fairly. I didn’t get a chance to attend Esther church service! The first to miss probably since my time in memorial. I reflected on Jesus‘ purpose of resurrection, and prayed that he heals Ethan.  At school, We had some rice and some meat, and it was a day of joy.

Thanks to God on Good Friday when we had an exhibition at Kampala, we raised 3.2 million, which helped us to raise balance of the needed 12.6 million for registration laboratory materials. Tomorrow I will pass by the commission offices to pick the registration software and we start feeding in Students data as we wait for possibilities of registration fees.
I pray very much for Hilda, for God’s kind healing. Rebecca is getting better, and is expected to have improved health during holidays .

All my lovely greetings to Kerstin and everyone. May the Lord bless your week.

Yours in Christ,

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