Dear members,
I feel the pleasure to report to you a fairly successful end of academic year 2016, which we have concluded today 5th December 2016. Despite some challenges, I have the honour to report that the term and the entire academic year ended successfully with no major problem internally with both teachers and students. On behalf of the teachers, parents and students, allow our sincere thanks to your board, management team, staff and all individuals and groups that have undertaken to sustain us, in the bid to improve our livelihood and that of our country’s next generation. May the lord reward you abundantly. Below were some of the notable achievements and challenges encountered.
- Out of the 150 students who registered for S.4 National exams, 149 were able to do exams. One candidate was discontinued by the commission supervisors for being so late. One other student fell severely sick and was operated in the course of the exams. We are grateful to the lord that he only missed one exam, which will not fail him to get a certificate.
- All the 48 candidates who registered for the S.6 National exams successfully finished them today December 5, 2016. Results of the S.4 exams are expected in Early February 2016 and those of S.6 candidates are expected in early March 2016.
- Despite very high food prices, we had all meals promptly throughout the term.
- With support from Irene’s parish, three teachers’ houses were built and teachers are currently staying in them.
- Candidates were able to have enough furniture, chemicals and apparatus for science subjects, though not with much ease, due to price changes and scarcity.
- We received salary for the five sponsored teachers in time throughout the year. All other teaching and non-teaching staff was also paid. For December salaries, we got extra support from Irene’s parish in Berlin. However, January salaries will remain in arrears.
- With help from music fundraising and local collections, we were able to put up two buildings, which were at the moment turned into the boys’ dormitories and classes, to enable National exams be conducted in the previous dormitory( for having floor and plastered walls as demanded by the commission). This though ended into many arrears.
- We recorded three audio songs as a way of promoting students talents and as evidence of co-curricular activities as required by the commission. These were launched on 30th October and the income of about 2.9 million used in construction too.
- We received 103 library books from Irene’s parish. This was the beginning of a school library.
- Two of our teachers are doing in-service upgrading courses. Jaggwe Daniel upgrading from Diploma in science education to Bachelor of Science education, and Vicent Sekyewa for Masters in Business management. This may take them two years studying during holidays through saving salary. They need extra support which may not easily be found.
- Very high failure rate to pay fees especially in third term, resulting from season changes. Since many parents depend on small scale agriculture, there were almost no yields in the last half of the year. This is expected to continue in the first half of next year. 49% fees remained in arrears for third term.
- The prices of consumer goods were extremely high and continue to rise
- Constant demand for salary increment, resulting from increasing cost of living. This keeps staff unstable (going and others coming) by yesterday, the school nurse (Sarah Kizza) had also resigned on salary grounds
- Insufficient laboratory chemicals and apparatus for the non-candidate classes. This has made performance in science subjects still lower than others as students start practicing quite late (S.4)
- The lack of a library room with books on syllabus, for both teachers and students’ reference and reading.
- The lack of a playground (field), which still puts students at risk of crossing the road to a paid ground. Sometimes access is denied when in use by the community.
- Continuous demands of the commission, including a dining hall, improved computer- students’ ratio (the recommended is 1:3), functional laboratory, workshop for practical subjects…..
- The cost of materials for self-sustaining Educate courses
- Arrears with suppliers, which resulted not mainly due to miscalculations, but failure of students to pay expected percentages.
- Delayed and failure of some parents to pay agreed fees, leading to involuntary dropout of some students and failure to finance some planned activities.
- On and off power. This mainly affects us every year between Octobers to late December, when industrial producers are given more priority in consumption than domestic users. Power is available for the least hours of the day and night, that we used a generator during exams during day and night which is quite costly!
- Loss of parents. In 2016, we lost up to eight parents. This increases our expenditure to such students, whom we cannot stop to attend school
- Repair of beds and desks
- Registration of candidates for National exams in February. Each candidate will be required to pay in total altogether 152,000. Total candidates 160 (s.4) 70 (S.6) some of them can pay registration fees and others not.
- Laboratory chemicals and apparatus. This was estimated to cover 14.710,000 for the entire year 2017. Increase is due to price changes.
- Uniforms for students who have used them for two years and more. A complete uniform costs 95,000, including trouser or skirt, shirt, shirt, tie, budge, t-shirt, sweater.
- Sponsoring football and netball inter-schools competitions on the commission calendar. The total for both netball and football to visit other schools and Gala is 5,637,000 between February and March
- Materials used in making candles, liquid soap, paper bags etc and payment of trainers.
Next term will begin on January 30th 2017.
We honestly send our appreciation to you, for your compassionate helping hand in the success of our school programs. Kindly reach our gratitude to all individuals and groups, that have contributed to our sustenance throughout 2016, and we pray for the providence of the Lord in the coming year 2017. We pray for good health, happiness in families and individuals, and Salvation for all. May the Lord bless you.
Yours in Christ,
Ronald Mulondo
Letters from Students
Year end 2016 Bombo Students