Greetings from St. Peters. The rain season is still on and we are happy that our grass and trees are now growing, despite the muddy environment surrounding the new compound as you may see in the attachments. I am happy to report that the challenge of much cough, flue and fevers that affected students in the first month of the term had almost been kicked out by the time of this communication and a lot of improvement made in our sickbay, with better beds, mosquito nets and storage of medicine with improved cabins.

I am happy to report to you that the transfer for registration of candidates together with one from Irene have successfully reached and we are in the process of capturing candidates‘ bio data. We thank you so much for your continued and timely support.
We decided to cut off one week from the normal term and we will close on Friday 28/4/23 for non candidate classes. S.4 and 6 students will stay longer for two and a half more weeks, to not only finish the registration exercise, but also continue with syllabi coverage.
Some parents were able to pay the required 120,000 to register S,3 students for the level I competence certificate examinations, although several haven’t been able to pay the fees and are likely to miss these exams coming in November.
We haven’t yet bought the necessary laboratory equipment and chemicals for this years‘ candidates as required by the commission, due to funds, though highly needed at the moment.
In general there has been great stability in teaching and learning of students and we are almost accomplishing all programs as set to run in the course of the term.
Details will come in the end of term report.
May the Lord bless you so much.